Sandie. Because vintage names are on the rise, it's getting some love again, but I still think it's worth helping out with an extra comeback. In the 1960s, Penny was the given name for 38,223 babies, but these days, people focus more on the formal Penelope and then shorten it. The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female … We’ve got 60 names that are sure to invoke an aura of earthy chicness to last a lifetime. Apart from Susan at number 1, it is all change for girls' names in the 1960s. Nameberry noted that the name means "black water" thanks to its Scottish roots, but just focus on the romantic magic of it thanks to the star Douglas Fairbanks. The name was given to 187,534 baby boys born in the decade, and has remained fairly popular ever since, but never as big as it used to be. The best hippie names for boys 1. By Margarita Aug 11, 2018. In fact, often times that the first thing that someone learns about you. The best hippie names for girls. Autumn on April 09, 2015: I seem to like the classic old fashioned names . Bohemian names are a breath of fresh air; they are whimsical, artsy, and romantic. According to Nameberry, the name means "noisy one," which is basically perfect for any child. These days, it's still in the top 400 according to Nameberry, and has a timeless feel about it. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? The more parents become discouraged from picking it, the more unique it will become. Or maybe it's just that the most popular 1960s baby names are so pure and wholesome and charmingly vintage that it makes me want to have seven children. Michael makes it to the number one spot after a slow climb over the last sixty years and is still one of the most popular boys names. In the course of documenting the causes and consequences of distinctively black names, the existing literature has maintained that they are a distinctly modern phenomenon. Check it out! Amoret. In the 1960s, the SSA reported that Lorraine was given to 22,246 baby girls, but nowadays, its popularity isn't quite so high. [ Read: Twilight Baby Names… Plus you can guarantee she'll have a whole set of Nancy Drew books by the time she's 5. According to Nameberry, the name means "warlike," which is exactly what Marcia Brady was when facing anything from a student council president election to a snotty girl on the cheerleading squad. Alchemy was once a process where alchemists would try to turn other metals into gold. Along with Cynthia and Rodney, other 1960s baby names that remain in the US Top 1000 include Amy, Dennis, Jacqueline, Julie, Keith, Paula, Randy, and Scott. Over 30,000 babies born in the decade were given this name, but it's only been the recent launch of Riverdale that has people thinking about it again. Valerie is preppy and bright and fun â I don't know why this name conjures such happy images for me, but it does. Some of those names are listed again on top of the list. Arlo Guthrie, the shaggy-haired singer, best known for protesting the social injustice through music in the 60s, was and still is the famous bearer of this name. From simple names like Alice Ann to Alice Ray, it is fairly easy to find a middle name … We have created this amazing list of predicted popular names for 2021 to give you inspiration and food for thought. 1. If you didn’t spot your name here, that just means you’re even more unique — or ahead of your time. In the '60s, it was the 32nd most popular baby boy name and is still pretty popular today. If you would like a unique boy’s name for your baby inspired by the sixties, why not follow in the footsteps of Liam Gallagher and Patsy Kensit and name your son Lennon after the late Beatles legend? If you didn’t spot your name here, that just means you’re even more unique — or ahead of your time. Back in the 1950s, it was in the top 50 baby girl names, but didn't even make top 500 in 2017, according to Nameberry. OK, seriously Rhonda sounds super old-fashioned, I know. I definitely think this one deserves a comeback, not only for the undeniable 1960s vibes, but also because the name means "princess," according to Nameberry, and that is just too cute. Tags : baby names inspired by 60s legends Bohemian names boho baby boy names boho baby names Crunchy mom baby names cute hippie baby girl names Earthy boy names Earthy hippie baby names flower child flower child baby names free spirited baby names girl names hippie groovy names hippie baby boy names hippie names from the 60s list of hippie names plant inspired organic names unique hippie names Many of us are looking to unique names - names that will make our daughters stand out. In the 1960s, Jacqueline was the name chosen for 84,377 baby girls, and was just one spot short of being in the top 50 most popular, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Unique Names Modern All Name Lists; Keep scrolling for more. Baby Girl Names From Movies: 19. Her character has been so intrinsically linked to the name that it was likely tough for parents to get over this association. It's been slowly coming back, but with a meaning like "lady," it's just so precious. However, many of the others are of a more “creative” and “shiny” disco era, namely: Nicole, Michelle, Jennifer, Lisa, Amanda, and … According to Nameberry, the name means "rock," which makes it even sweeter for your little guy. Page 99 of the ultimate A-Z girls names list, complete with name meanings, origins and extended background info for all girl names. Check out last year's list of names of girls, which recently came out. Laya, Lera, Vara, Lapa and Laza are some recommended forms of these trending names. every time you need her. She'll totally love it. Seriously, nicknames are where it's at. Maybe it's all the cute pinafores babies wore back then and knee-high socks and daydreaming of Jackie O and pillbox hats and little girls in bright colored dresses. Among the Top 1960-1969 baby girl names in the U.S., Tiffany▲1691, Misty▲1584, Staci ▲1574, Lara▲1528, Audra▲1525, Latonya ▲1482, Deneen ▲1407, Ashley▲1383, Dionne▲1357 and Tabatha ▲1355 rose the most in popularity compared to 10 … From the short and sweet to the edgy and out-there, these girl names aren’t for shrinking violets or wallflowers, they’ll help your girl stand out from the crowd, and rock her personality with pride. OK, I love Peter, and I love that it's slowly coming back. Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a tricky business. Arlo sounds laid-back and cool even this day. It's definitely considered unique these days and a sweet nod to the '50s. But there's a reason why â you just never hear it anymore. Apparently a lot of parents loved it in the '60s considering Dorothy was the 124th most popular baby name, but it seems a lot of modern parents side with my husband. When's the last time you met a Jacqueline? If your babe is coming soon, Congrats! Celeste Nameberry noted that it's just not considered as popular as other longer names these days, but Julie does mean "youthful," so there's a chance this cute moniker could make one heck of a comeback. Page 87 of the ultimate A-Z girls names list, complete with name meanings, origins and extended background info for all girl names. Great hub on retro names for baby girls. The name means "noble strength" and is incredibly chic and sophisticated while still being appropriate for a little girl. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. The 1960's, in the United States, seemed as enchanted as Camelot with the Kennedy's in the White House. Want to know the most frequently used baby names in the year 1960? The Best Hippie Baby Girl Names: Amethyst – A violet gemstone with healing powers and a fitting name for your LO. Elaine might make you think of the dancing queen of Seinfeld, but it's also a solid choice for your own baby girl. The "aur" is a Latin root that means "gold." Whether you call her Ronnie or Vi, this name has serious '60s vibes. How cute is Laurie? Bonus: you can use it for a girl or a boy. In the '60s, Frank was the name for 87,167 baby boys. This girl’s name suggests a child who will be spirited and full of zest. I just love the name Patrick. Here are 200+ name ideas for twin girls to choose from. I actually don't know if I've ever met a Craig in real life, but I think the name is just too cute and spunky. This name has become increasingly popular these days, partly due to Hugh Jackman and Reese Witherspoon selecting it for their daughters. Our future seemed new and exciting as Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon, the first Super Bowl was played, Johnny Carson became host of The Tonight Show, … Hope you get inspired and this video helps you decide for a name. Hebrew girls’ names, indeed, are so familiar and deeply rooted in English -speaking cultures that we often think of them as English girls’ names. It makes me think of Beverly Cleary's Ralph S. Mouse series, and that is undeniably charming. Names are important. In the decade of The Brady Bunch, it was the 16th most popular name for girls. A girl with this name can also lead her revolutionary group in the college. From “defender” to “purpose,” here are 28 popular black girl names and their meaning. It's 1960s love was steady as it was the 30th most used baby boy name of the decade, but nowadays, it's losing some steam. Cliff is a really darling nickname, and you'll definitely have the only one in your child's kindergarten class. Some names went out of fashion in this decade. … (Theo and Teddy are obviously my favorites.) Audrey: The name brings to mind Holly Golightly, Ms. Audrey Hepburn. Certainly a child named Jerry or Janis, Marley or Lennon will carry proudly the namesake of someone who left behind a unique legacy. I feel like there's some rule here that you can only name your child Marcia if you promise to shout, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" The name means "from the brushwood thicket," which is delightfully English-sounding, and has been delighting comic book fans for years. Nameberry noted that Patrick means "noble," and its classic feel is one I love. I'm convinced the glamorous actress and humanitarian kept this name in the running back in the '50s and '60s, and it's still fairly popular today. In the '60s, there were 60,457 little boys with the name, but I also love the fun of Russ. Its vintage flavor can't be denied though, and this sweet moniker deserves an epic comeback. Aurinda: This name appeared in many rosters during Colonial times. Zappa. The name means "gift of God," though, so I'm hoping its sweetness and charm will catapult it back into more popular standings. Zappa. The name Stacy has Greek roots and was most widespread during the 1970s, serving as the No. Home > Birth > Baby Names > Baby Name Ideas, Sex with my ex brought on a 51-hour labour, 12 surprising facts about your baby's first trimester. We've collected the official stats for the top 100 Australian baby boy and girl names … Among the Top 1960-1969 baby girl names in the U.S., Tiffany 1691, Misty 1584, Staci 1574, Lara 1528, Audra 1525, Latonya 1482, Deneen 1407, Ashley 1383, Dionne 1357 and Tabatha 1355 rose the most in popularity compared to 10 years ago in 1950-1959. It's been popular for decades, and while it still remains in the top 600 these days, it's unlikely you'll have duplicate Elaines in your child's life. Alice: Alice, the curious and the imaginative protagonist of Disney’s film “Alice in Wonderland”, has been a baby name inspiration from time immemorial. It peaked in the mid-1950s, and it was even favorable as a girls’ name in the late 60s and early 70s. Here are 200+ name ideas for twin girls to choose from. If you need some name ideas here are the Most Popular Girl Names In The 60s. Basically, I'm in summer mood with the cuteness of the name Penny. Imani When it comes to names, Imani is a great one! Arlo. Maybe thanks to the classy First Lady? Looking for the perfect name for your little one? With its ethereal meaning (“heavenly”) and its soft sound, Celeste conjures images of a doe-eyed, curly-haired, peace-sign-flashing, hippie-dippie freak. 2. Twins certainly share a special connection. This list contains both traditional baby names and unique names, so pick a special name just for them! There are so many awesome choices you may not know where to begin but we’re here to help! Via: Etsy. Whether you shorten it to Susie or not, it's totally sweet. Astrid Scandanavian) This lovely hippie name means “Godly strength”. "1920s favorites in particular are finding a new life: names like Vivian, Iris, and Max have come charging back into style," Wattenberg adds.. More from CafeMom: 17 Throwback Baby Girl Names With Unique Vintage Cred Wattenberg combed through historical data to find names that were big hits in the Roaring '20s, but weren't super popular during the latter half of the … Showing names from "Laura" to "Leandra". Boho names for girls are as unique as they are gorgeous. Sex: Female Frequency in 1960s (per 1 million babies): 376 Average Frequency (per 1 million babies): 114 In 2015, the name Rene was over 14 times more common for boys than girls. According to Nameberry, the name means "he who brings victory; true image," so it's totally fit for your boss girl. Some names with heavy meaning come from India like Chakra, Dharma or Om. A variation of Eve, Ava is the fifth most popular baby name for girls. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? In the 1960s, Jacqueline was the name chosen for 84,377 baby girls, and was just one spot short of being in the top 50 most popular, according to the … Health This Common … Many popular hippy names derive from nature, like Sky, Sunshine or Rain. 200+ Twin Baby Girl Names. Rene. According to Nameberry, Gregory means "vigilant, a watchman," which gives it a strong, impressive feel. Julie was increasing in popularity. In the '60s, it was given to 17,869 babies, but Nameberry reported that it's stayed in the top 50 since 2017. Nameberry noted that the name means "bright, shining light," which is literally the cutest baby name meaning I can think of. … Zappa was the name of an anti-establishment musician known as Frank Zappa. Karen was also becoming a popular choice, it was was 37 in 1954, moving to 3rd position in the 1964. may receive an affiliate commission if you buy through our links. CELESTE. Of course, there are so many other incredible baby names that young girls were given during the decade that didn’t quite make it into the top 100 listed. Girls' names. Made famous in the late 60s by Donovan's song “Mellow Yellow”, the name Saffron is drawn from the crocus flower sourced spice of the same name and dates back to pre-Biblical times. Steven Tyler was born in 1948, but in current times, it seems no celebs are naming their babies after any of these icons. Singer, Sandie Shaw rose to fame … Top 100 Baby Names in 1960. Many baby names used in the 1930s are becoming popular once again. But I think it deserves an epic comeback. Shaggy-haired folk singer Arlo Guthrie was known for protesting social injustice through music in the '60s. I prefer baby names that conjure images of 80-year-old senior citizens, but these baby names from the 1960s pack a punch of charm that just can't be beat. Many take a modern twist on traditional and popular names. Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a tricky business. (I have no idea why.). Penny is a "zesty moniker," according to Nameberry, and you know what â I totally have to agree. Hebrew girl names include some of the most popular girls’ names of all time in the US, such as Hannah, Elizabeth and Rachel. I Spy Fabulous Beauty; Celebrations; Wellness; Decor ; Career; Family; Shop ISF; Resources; Erica May 2, 2020 Baby. Top 100 Baby Names in 1960. Skip Penelope and the Kardashian popularity of that one, and go straight to Penny, the perfect '60s name. 1 of 20. 62 Earthy Hippie Names for your Boho Baby Girl with Meanings! Every mom-to-be envisions her daughter becoming her little princess but picking the perfect name fit for one can seem like an impossible task. Even though this name wasn’t on the rise in the ‘60s, it holds a prominent place … Could be because 18,558 baby boys in the 1960s were given the name and because it's still not immensely popular. Picking a good name for your daughter is hard - you, and your baby girl, will have to live with it for the rest of your life. In the '60s, Theodore was bestowed upon 21,296 babies, and it's slowly coming back in the modern day. In the decade of hippies and great music, Ralph was a steady choice for parents of little boys and ranked as the 105th most popular boy name of the decade, according to the SSA. Most Popular Baby Names of the 60s. Hebrew girls’ names, indeed, are so familiar and deeply rooted in English -speaking cultures that we often think of them as English girls’ names. Dorothy is one of my favorites, but my husband totally hates it. While many of them sound pretty or even a little crazy, more often than not, they mean something. Which is why some parents are looking for uncommon girl names. Uncommon and Rare Old-Fashioned Girl Names. Beatrix: It means "blessed" or "happy traveller". It was actually more popular in decades prior but likely fell out of favor after Marilyn Monroe’s death in 1962. We've found 25 unusual and sophisticated baby names that are popular across the globe. It's still within the top 500 these days, according to Nameberry, but I think it's unique enough to try. In honor of her, I’ve added this hippie baby name list for your adorable boho girl. CELESTE. 147K Shares View On One Page ADVERTISEMENT () Start Slideshow . Michael makes it to the number one spot after a slow climb over the last sixty years and is still one of the most popular boys names. One thing that’s clear is that despite the many ways parents’ expressed their creativity in 1960s, giving their kids novel monikers wasn’t one of them. Nameberry noted that the name Jacqueline means "supplanter" and has still remained fairly popular by being within the top 500 baby names of 2017. Leslie, which had traditionally been a common name for boys, was now becoming a popular name for girls and entered the list at 99. #25. We have created this amazing list of predicted popular names for 2021 to give you inspiration and food for thought. These earthy hippie girl names are the perfect choice for your bohemian baby girl. Hebrew girl names include some of the most popular girls’ names of all time in the US, such as Hannah, Elizabeth and Rachel. It was famous in the 4th … This is one of our choices if we ever have a baby boy, and I just love the old-fashioned feel of it. Maybe we can thank Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver for that? Aria – A songlike name that also means “melody”, a perfect name for a flower child. Frankie is a super cute nickname if you choose this moniker, but honestly, the name Franklin just deserves its time in the spotlight. You have plenty to choose from this era, whether you’re seeking a lovely, classic baby name for a girl … A Swahili name meaning faith, it’s very … We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Also a name that your daughter will thank you for later! Here is a list of the most popular 1000 names of the 1960s (Use Batman if you need to convince a partner who isn't on board with Bruce is all I'm saying.). Bohemian names are a breath of fresh air; they are whimsical, artsy, and romantic. Franklin is just quintessential "old-man" name territory, but I adore it. If you’re the same, you might want to honour your favourite decade with one of these bodacious baby names. Many bird names make for wonderful baby names for little girls and boys. The sweet name means "strength, health," according to Nameberry, and remained in the top 100 names until about 1988. 25 Vintage Baby Girl Names From The '50s That Need To Make A Comeback. Augustina: The feminine form of Augustus, this name is associated with St. Augustine, a famous theologian, and the month of August. I had a friend years ago who actually grew up … News Life Media Pty Ltd Copyright © 2021. Barrie when he wrote Peter Pan back in 1904. Veronica is a classic. In the top 50 baby names of the 1960s, Wendy was given to 88,965 babies, but is hardly heard anymore. Mary drops from the top position after more than fifty years as the most popular girls first name. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. For that reason, this list of Hebrew names for girls is a great place to start if you’re looking for a classic girl … Alchemy. Whether you're looking for something nobody else in your child's preschool class will have or you just want something vintage enough to remind the world of a time full of flower power, epic sitcoms, and Mary Tyler Moore, there's something on this list for you. In the '60s, there were 34,446 little girls with the name, but it's rarely used now. Home > Birth > Baby Names > Baby Name Ideas. 2. Maureen is so pretty, you guys. How can you stand it? This list may not reflect recent changes (). Share Share Tweet Email Comment. Gypsy: A girl with the name Gypsy is sure to have an eclectic and go-with-the-flow personality. Other names Echo the hippy philosophy of Peace, Love and Freedom. Mary drops from the top position after more than fifty years as the most popular girls first name. Names like Beth, Chris and Mike dominate the ranking. Douglas is a pretty strong, distinguished name, but it's still pretty cute for your little guy. Along with Cynthia and Rodney, other 1960s baby names that remain in the US Top 1000 include Amy, Dennis, Jacqueline, Julie, Keith, Paula, Randy, and Scott. Thank you, Audrey Hepburn. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. It has recently gained popularity as a girl’s name thanks to Pink and Will Smith giving it to their daughters. But for boys, “Jeff,” “Joe,” and “Mike,” struck a chord. The SSA noted that in the 1960s, Franklin was the name for 13,888 babies (maybe thanks to FDR? Maybe it's because my daughter is obsessed with Clifford the Big Red Dog, but man do I think this name is cute. Holly. A name which means, simply, "king," Rex is a strong, bold choice for either girls or boys (though it's historically been more popular with male kiddos). This is also known as Online Behavioural Advertising. September 30, 2020 by Leah Rocketto. Nameberry noted that the name means "lily," and has still managed to be in the top 1000 popular names, despite its vintage charm. Maybe it's the pop of color in every 1960s house or the mod fabrics that made up entire couches. This mystical art form is ideal for parents who want an unusual sounding name for their baby. According to Nameberry, the name also means "gift of God" if you like adding a bit of faith into your children's names. I think I'm just imagining Clark Kent, but the name Kent is so cute and stands alone really well. Nameberry noted that it means "bitter," as it's a variation of Mary, but really, let's not focus on that. Leo. At the … Back in the '60s, the name was given to 56,586 babies, reported the SSA, but it's not a super common choice now. I think it's so punchy and sweet, but you don't have to use the name Judith to get all of the good vibes from it. There is something about the 1960s that stirs deep motherhood movements inside me. Sally is just sweetness in a name, isn't it? 7. Here is a list of the most popular 1000 names of the … So here, I bequeath it to you. It's still a favorite these days thanks to its old-fashioned charm, and it has such a sweet, warm feel to it. Dottie, you guys. Famous names like Sharmila, Lola, Tura and Rock weren’t in the … In the '60s, Susan was the third most popular baby girl name. The names that have fallen the farthest in popularity include Rhonda, Debbie, Michele, Cheryl, and Laurie. The name was mega popular in the '60s, coming in at number 18 for baby girls, but it's wavered ever since. Popular Stories Fitness 6 Best At-Home Fat-Freezing Products That Will Banish Stubborn Flab for Good. If your babe is coming soon, Congrats! Lorraine makes me think of my favorite movie, Back to the Future, so its vintage charm knows no bounds. While Frank might not be a … Alchemy. "1920s favorites in particular are finding a new life: names like Vivian, Iris, and Max have come charging back into style," Wattenberg adds.. More from CafeMom: 17 Throwback Baby Girl Names With Unique Vintage Cred Wattenberg combed through historical data to find names that were big hits in the Roaring '20s, but weren't super popular during the latter half of the … 7. Skip the formality. Ralph. This mystical art form is ideal for parents who want an unusual sounding name for their baby. 1. There was a sharp rise in the distinctiveness of black names in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 2. Back in the '60s, however, there were 27,464 little Es running around. His name sounds cool and laid-back to this day. ), but hasn't been very popular since. [ Read: Funky Baby Names] 57. 100 Southern Girl Names. 2021 Bustle Digital Group. OK, so Laura isn't exactly a name you never hear anymore, but it's not nearly as popular as it used to be. “Jackie,” “Becky,” and other abbreviated versions of girl’s baby names from the 60s weren’t as popular. Does this name conjure chin clefts and muscles for anyone else, or just me? This list contains both traditional baby names and unique names, so pick a special name just for them! Want to know the most frequently used baby names in the year 1960? More from CafeMom: 21 Magical Baby Girl Names Inspired by the Sea -- Perfect for a Little Mermaid. Boho names for girls are as unique as they are gorgeous. Some of them may sound familiar, but others are totally fresh. Margaret, Maggie, Mags â all perfect names for your little one. However, in the 1970s the strength of the correlation between distinctively black names and negative socioecon… The '70s were all about feminism, and some fabulous girls' names -- Melissa, Stephanie, Shannon, Christine, Sandra, Erin, Stacy and more It definitely has a bit of vintage flair to it, and makes me think of high school letterman jackets, root beer floats, and other Norman Rockwell images. Do you yearn for the laid-back vibe of the groovy 1960s? In the '60s, it was strictly a girl name with 74,447 baby girls having Laurie on their birth certificate, but these days, it's a unique gender-neutral moniker. Like I said â icon. Unusual Girls' Names Brea, Marlowe, and 103 Other Unique and Beautiful Girls' Names. I apologize if the translation isn't accurate. 200+ Twin Baby Girl Names. With a meaning like "from the rocks," it conjures some nature feels. We’ve got 60 names that are sure to invoke an aura of earthy chicness to last a lifetime. During this period, these names were only weakly correlated with socioeconomic status. Alice: Alice is a traditional name that has hundreds of middle names that match it perfectly. Sandra meaning ‘protector of men’ was one of the most popular baby names for girls in the sixties, and is often shortened to Sandie or Sandy. 'S definitely considered unique these days have fallen the farthest in popularity include Rhonda, Debbie, Michele Cheryl... Cat-Eye sunglasses, and origins of thousands of names from around the world 's in the top 400 according Nameberry! Lazy summer afternoons spent sipping sweet tea on the patio known for protesting Social injustice through music the... Old-Fashioned feel of it, especially with all those cute nicknames Nun? feel is one of our if...  all perfect names for 2021 to give you inspiration and food for thought ( free eBook ) is. Little guy Sandie Shaw rose to fame … 200+ twin baby girl name predicted! 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Top 500 popular boy names and my husband totally hates it n't get much more unique it will.! Have an eclectic and go-with-the-flow personality during Colonial times who want an unusual sounding name for 13,888 (! Are the perfect name for your LO that one, and it has a sweetness about it and cute to... Brady is iconic, so the name was mega popular in Sweden, where ranked! Doris fell from 44 to 100, while Judith fell from 44 to 100 while., Michele, Cheryl, and Laurie of black names in the late '80s and early 1970s from Laura. Flavor ca n't be denied though, and romantic, this was the 10th most popular girls first.. Many bird names make for wonderful baby names in the '60s, that “! The 50s were packed with fascinating events that continue to shape our world today from 38 to 75 Doris... Back, but it 's been slowly coming back in 1904 totally try Regina you. To honour your favourite decade with one of our choices if we have. 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Are sure to invoke an aura of earthy chicness to last a lifetime unique girl names from the 60s there 27,464... Was a sharp rise in the United States, seemed as enchanted as Camelot with the name for 19,258 boys... 99 of the ‘ 60s all change for girls in 2009 ’ ve got 60 names that are to... Modern all name Lists ; Keep scrolling for more have the only one Cynthia in my entire,! His name sounds cool and laid-back to this day ideas for twin girls to choose.. Totally sweet become increasingly popular these days, according to Nameberry, it n't! 'S list of names from the 50s that should make a comeback same meaning we ’ ve 60..., according to Nameberry, and it 's not one you hear all the more unique than.... You ask me, Marcia Brady is iconic, so the name brings to mind lazy summer spent. Sweetness in a name '60s, it 's not super old-fashioned, I know grandparent... A violet gemstone with healing powers and a sparkling personality but there 's combination. You guys, there is something about the 1960s top 100 names until about 1988 often than not they! And origins of thousands of names from around the world Field in Gidget and the Flying?. You 're looking for vintage, this is unique girl names from the 60s fifth most popular baby name for girls philosophy of,! You know what â I totally have to agree the '50s Gregory means ``,! In a name not super old-fashioned, I think this name has become popular. Penny is a shortened form of the Brady Bunch, it was was in. Certainly a child named Jerry or Janis, Marley or Lennon will carry proudly the namesake of someone who behind! That it was the name for your Boho baby girl names 'll definitely have the only one in... '' is a really darling nickname, and romantic there 's a reason why â you just never hear anymore! Sharp rise in the 1930s are becoming popular once again names list complete! More from CafeMom: 21 of the ‘ 60s totally sweet period, these names were only weakly correlated socioeconomic. This anymore, but in the '60s, Susan was the 32nd most popular in Sweden, where ranked... Are sure to invoke an aura of earthy chicness to last a lifetime,... Of earthy chicness to last a lifetime Camelot with the Kennedy 's in the decade back. This period, these names were only weakly correlated with socioeconomic status 50,334... Due to Hugh Jackman and Reese Witherspoon selecting it for their baby, however, there were 84,720 little rocking. That Patrick means `` noisy one, '' it has such a sweet nod the... Fun of Russ form is ideal for parents who want an unusual sounding name for girls 's rarely now. Cynthia was the name for 13,888 babies ( maybe thanks to Greg unique girl names from the 60s or...
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