When trying to understand the healing power of selenite, think clear. Sometimes it takes time to deal with certain circumstances that can arise during life, but peach selenite is there when you are ready to make peace. Other forms of gypsum include desert rose, satin spar and gypsum flower. This crystal is associated with the crown chakra, which represents spiritual connection and transformation, as well as the third eye chakra (intuitive knowing). Selenite’s high frequency energy can be directed into the body to help stimulate healing. Grid your home with orange selenite to protect it from electromagnetic pollution and different forms of geopathic stress. Orange selenite synergizes well with both earthen and celestial energies, and is good for connecting with earthen and moon deities. It can encourage a general sense of well-being and gives a boost to the self-esteem. How to Use Selenite for Healing. If you are experiencing tightness or soreness, place a Selenite wand on the specific area of your body for about 20 minutes. carnelian stone, lapis lazuli, turquoise, obsidian, jade). Selenite’s name literally translates to "stone of the moon" or "moonstone." You can purchase selenite wands, points, or eggs for a fairly affordable price. Daisy Flower Symbolism and Meaning | Daisies seem to evoke a certain innocent, child-like energy and vibrancy. Grid your house or workspace with selenite crystals. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. It is a perfect stone for those who serve truth, love, morality, and the highest good. Keeping selenite nearby your other crystals and magical tools will amplify their power. This makes selenite the ideal stone for accessing ancient wisdom and knowledge. Selenite is an extremely valuable stone for healing. (2018). Set them up in the four corners of your workspace or any room and enjoy the pure, cleansing energy it generates. It is a place where we can learn and grow in the study of the enchantment that fills our world. Elune Blue is reader-supported. Selenite towers are excellent for directing selenite’s protective and calming energies to fill a space. Selenite can be carried in the pocket. It helps individuals to remain calm and allows them to connect to their higher selves. However, if you wish to charge your selenite crystal anyway, you can charge it under the light of the moon in any moon phase or with a white candle. [online] Available at: The Stone of the Moon: Selenite Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings, A conduit of powerful, celestial energy, Selenite is often called the “liquid light of spirit" and contains ethereal energies. Back to Top. Ignite the sage or palo santo, and blow it out. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The quintessential “stone of the moon,” Selenite connects us to the celestial realm and our better guides and angels. Selenite is said to carry information from both past and present—it allows the user to dissolve past life traumas and may help with scrying (foreseeing the future). Programming your crystal is much like setting an intention. The origin of selenite’s name can be sourced to the Ancient Greek word for moon –. Selenite is a beautiful stone and is most notably found in its pure-white form. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. The Etheric Chakras refer to the series of chakras located above the Crown Chakra. Keep a Selenite angel where moonlight shines on her to spread warm, loving energies. Back to Top. (2018). Selenite can help you stabilize your emotions and feel calm. It can help strengthen and support bones as well as nerves and tendons, and is said to promote a flexible and limber muscular system.Back to Top. The bigger your Selenite, the better. Find different sized Selenite towers here - 6 Tower - This stone is great for creating a grid within the home or around a person—simply place a piece of selenite in all four corners of the home. amzn_assoc_linkid = "64b084d9006c53b4acaebac4a7db24b0"; The origin of selenite’s name can be sourced to the Ancient Greek word for moon – selene. The Etheric Chakras refer to the series of chakras located above the Crown Chakra. They contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude, and identify us with The All, oneness, the truest peace and the deepest wisdom. So you have a crystal or stone. Selenite is a stone for divine clarity, giving us a heaven’s eye view of our temporal realm and provides insight into the Grand Scheme and how it influences the seemingly mundane circumstances of our everyday life. Consider selenite for all that concerns womanhood. Selenite embodies tranquility, blessings, love and light. Selenite can assist in feeling a sense of tranquility and mental clarity. The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon. Clearing Blockages in the Body: Selenite is a useful tool for removing energy blockages in your body. It brings clarity of mind, calmness, and works as a strong mood stabilizer. Selenite does not usually contain imperfections or inclusions. What is a selenite tower? For women, peach selenite is a bridge to divine, feminine energy, and can help when celebrating rites of passage such as puberty, motherhood and menopause. Laynie H (author) from Bend, Oregon on July 04, 2019: Hi Maurice, thanks for the read and for sharing. For all intents and purposes, the stone can appear similar to a silky pearl. Be well. Much like table salt, selenite is forged through evaporation. Both forms are exceptionally energetic, and versatile, making Selenite an outstanding tool for use in crystal work Selenite does not ever need to be cleared. Let them know that the moon’s angelic light is captured within the stone, and will shine on them and keep them safe while they sleep. Maurice Glaude from Mobile, AL on July 04, 2019: Selenite is my favorite to work with. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. It can be a piece of jewelry, a rock (mineral), ideally a crystal, or simply an object that commands your attention. Selenite is an ideal stone for sleep as it can help calm and quiet the mind’s chatter, which can oftentimes work contrary to getting a good night’s sleep. It is most commonly found in its pure white form. Meditating with selenite can help you enhance your spiritual practices. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A conduit of powerful, celestial energy, Selenite is often called the “liquid light of spirit” as it houses seraphic forces within its ethereal bonds. Look within and get deep. It registers at 2 on the Mohs hardness scale and can be easily scratched using just a fingernail. Also called angel's wing selenite, this stone helps to calm nerves and allows one to connect with the divine. Place a selenite tower on your night stand or simply in your room. Let's do an exercise. Selenite’s energy is the key to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It has a high vibrational energy and brings peace to the mind and peace to the atmosphere. By simply keeping this wonderful crystal in your presence its color alone will help to ground you. Nevertheless, humans have adapted crystals for use in modern medicine for decades. Hold the crystal in the smoke like you would an item under the running water and let it wash away the absorbed energy. Selenite’s energy is the key to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. Place a selenite tower … It inspires a profound peace and carries a high frequency and intensity of … The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is connected to the Crown Chakra, which is the portal to our higher selves, as well as the lesser known Etheric Chakras, which contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude. Perhaps you have a crystal or mineral in your home. The wands are useful for creating white light over the body and may help create a shell of protection. The Breath of Innocence: Baby's Breath Magic, The Fruit of Immortality: Cherry Fruit Magic, The Fruit of the Divide: Elderberry Magic, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. It has a high-vibrational energy and brings peace to its user. These forms of selenite radiate the crystal’s vibration in all directions, like a dome of white, healing light. Back to Top, The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. One of our favorite places to put Selenite is on the windowsill so it can catch the light from outside, but placing it anywhere prominent in your home will ensure that it can uplift the energy of the space and keep your home a high vibe sanctuary. Selenite is an ideal stone for sleep as it can help calm and quiet the mind’s chatter, which can oftentimes work contrary to getting a good night’s sleep. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Great for affirmations and dissolving barriers imposed on the self. Selenite has excellent benefits for those who are business-minded. I personally love Selenite towers for this purpose. Blue selenite is excellent for those in business as it can help you maintain your integrity while still exercising business savvy and networking skills that the business world often requires. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Also called angel's wing selenite, this stone helps to calm nerves and allows one to connect with the divine. Below is a basic step-by-step method for programming: I often cleanse my crystals in water with a pinch of salt, but selenite should never be submerged in water. It is the font of our spirituality, and houses the knowledge of who we really are and what our place is in the universe. The stone can be used to ground these ethereal forces to aid in Earth’s healing. Selenite, named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, has properties that make it truly unique for spiritual and metaphysical purposes. Selenite crystal uses Selenite is typically used for cleansing and clearing energy. Selenite Towers Used For Grids Using them can be very beneficial, as using one of these crystals is also one of the methods to relieve stress . It is related to peace, purity, and higher consciousness, and is often used to assist with meditation and astral projection. Is selenite good for sleep? One Selenite Tower // Selenite Chakra Cleansing Standing Tower 2.5” or 4” // Rough, Unpolished Selenite // Small Satin Spar Selenite Tower TheLunarFae. It can help strengthen and support bones as well as nerves and tendons, and is said to promote a flexible and limber muscular system. Selenite is the ideal stone for clearing and cleansing energy. Selenite is a wonderful talisman for women, bringing radiance and harmony, and support through all cycles of life. Aug 27, 2020 - You will receive a Selenite tower similar to the one pictured, that stands about 4 tall. Peace selenite is connected to Persephone, goddess of the underworld, and can help illuminate that which is dark and provide understanding into the processes of your inner world and the truth of your hidden self. Selenite will dissolve if left in water over time. It is not a substitute for professional care. It promotes purity of thought, making it easier to receive and understand celestial information unclouded by temporal influence. Understanding the Selenite Stone Meanings and Uses . Even chemical changes from a simple crystal meditation, promoting positivity or relaxation of the mind, energetically and biologically transforms the body. How to Charge and Cleanse Your Selenite Crystals. Consider selenite for your next magical wand, as not only does selenite make magnificent and powerful wands, but they are relatively inexpensive. It is celebrated for the transparency and ethereal radiance it provides. Place a sphere or tower of selenite in any space you want to bring a pure, clean energy that allows you to focus. Helps the body to regenerate and instills an overall sense of wellness. Works on the third eye or throat chakra. This is due to the fact that gypsum crystals have natural thermal insulation properties. Large sheets of selenite crystal comprise all the windows of the Basilica de Saint Sabina, located at Aventine Hill, Rome. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. I feel like Selenite is always ready to go, no cleansing oharging needed. Back to Top. Set an intention for this meditation. Elune Blue is a place for magic. If you find yourself surrounded by negativity, bad thoughts, perceptions and ideas, Selenite can help cleanse your body and mind of this negative energy. Selenite crystals dissolve in water readily, so if you think about this fact, you may not be surprised to learn that they will aid the kidneys. If there is someone you are looking to reconnect with, send them a piece of selenite, as its energy can help make reconciliation easier. Selenite is easily obtained. Back to Top. For those going into a therapy or New Age oriented line of business, blue selenite can align amazing well with these pursuits. How do you program it? This stone is great for creating a grid within the home or around a person—simply place a piece of selenite in all four corners of the home. Selenite is a crystal formed from the mineral gypsum, which comes in many forms and color variations. amzn_assoc_title = ""; They contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude, and identify us with The All, oneness, the truest peace and the deepest wisdom. Wear in jewelry to attract love, fertility, and to maintain fidelity; also to induce calm throughout pregnancy and motherhood. It is not a substitute for professional care. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Most have a cats eye effect, and nice translucency. Consider Peach Selenite stone when you are undergoing major emotional transformation. Angel wings selenite, also known as fish tail selenite, is named so because it vaguely resemble or angel wings or fish tails, depending on the beholder. Selenite, like other gypsum crystals, is generally cold to the touch. Those suffering from attention-deficit disorder or rampant mood swings can also benefit from selenite’s steadying energy. Selenite can be carried in the pocket. Fishtail Selenite. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "eluneblue-20"; Wear a selenite pendant, as it can help protect against the negativity of others. Believe me, you’ll feel the … Back to Top. Crystals have been incorporated in healing by ancient civilizations for centuries but the exact evolution of crystal healing is non-linear (i.e. Do this in the opposite direction to smooth the flow of energy. It can promote harmony and accord in partnerships and help the mind focus to make good business decisions. You can wave a selenite wand up and down your entire body, breathing calmly, while visualizing its bright light restoring your vitality. Use selenite’s cleansing energy to clear your stones and crystals. The stone acts as a medium of communication, helping us receive divine symbols and messages with more ease and lucidity. Learn more. It can be used to sooth and stabilize emotions. Selenite towers are excellent for directing selenite’s protective and calming energies to fill a space. Selenite may also enhance chances … I purchase my selenite wands for around $12 dollars (10-inch wand). The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. It is important to note that selenite is an evaporative material, meaning that it is water-soluble and will dissolve in water given enough time. Use selenite to attune yourself to the mystical energies of the spiritual plane. The stone’s pure, ethereal energy can also help cleanse the aura of disruptions, as well as provide a buffer against maligned or negative energies from people and the environment. Peach selenite is a karmic cleanser, ready to provide healing and acceptance no matter how long ago the event has occurred. It is self-clearing, and self-charging. Back to Top. Through concentration and crystallization, eventually the selenite crystal emerges. I use a selenite wand in my healing sessions to create a cocoon of light around my client. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; This healing energy that can be directed towards areas suffering from massive deforestation, the rigors of mining and to combat carbon emissions that can harm the environment. The Salt Plains in northern Oklahoma are the only place in the world to produce the unique “hourglass” selenite. You can place them in the corners of the room or house to protect the area from undesired outside influences while promoting an energizing and elevating environment. Great for affirmations and dissolving barriers imposed on the self. For women, peach selenite is a bridge to divine, feminine energy, and can help when celebrating rites of passage such as puberty, motherhood and menopause. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This is due to the fact that gypsum crystals have natural thermal insulation properties. This crystal is great for bringing about mental clarity. Blue selenite couples the ethereal and mystical energy of the moon with the powers of the mind and intellect. More information Accept. Like a celestial guide shining a light on your way, keep angel wings selenite nearby when navigating life uncertainties. Crystal Metaphysical Encyclopedia. The Crown Chakra is our connection with divine, spiritual energy, and is the portal to our highest selves. It brings lightness into a room and can be used to create protective grids inside a living space or around someone receiving crystal healing. They are deeply entwined with the spiritual world, and provide a doorway to other realms and spiritual planes. Selenite can be used to clear and ready the mind for divine revelation. Energy transference is one mode of healing crystal healers use on their clients. In fact, selenite is often used to charge other crystals due to its intrinsically pure energy and ability to repel negative energy. Never cleanse selenite with water as it can dissolve your selenite crystal. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Selenite is a very soft crystal. This healing energy that can be directed towards areas suffering from massive deforestation, the rigors of mining and to combat carbon emissions that can harm the environment. The energy is so benevolent and lifting. With that aside, the energies they contain can be used to get in contact with one’s better angels and defuse tensions that may be in the air. Hervorragend für Klarheit, Verständnis und Konzentration. Selenite is a great tool for elevating one's energy. Selenite is a variety of gypsum. amzn_assoc_asins = "B077639Y4Y,B06ZZQ14VN,B010R7SZEI,B075N2YCXJ"; From Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham. It is not a good idea to put selenite in water, as it will dissolve. Selenite records the information of anything that happened in its presence, and can be used to scry the truth of a situation if the stone was witness. It can empower our ability to make an accurate assessment of a situation, and it helpful in piercing through the din of illusion to see the truth that lies underneath. I am a big fan of selenite, too, I love to run the wands over the body—especially if there is a beam of light coming into the room. It is perfect for women dealing with the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth, as it can introduce calm. It is used in crystal healing to align the spinal column and treat deformities in the skeletal system. Desert Rose Selenite. However, there have been instances of water and even fossils found within selenite crystals. Many people put Selenite wands on the windowsills of their homes to maintain a positive living environment. I especially like to use selenite wands to run over my body or to create a shield around my clients. Selenite has the unique ability to charge and cleanse itself. -- Selenite Meaning and Uses, Daisy Flower Symbolism and Meaning | The Spirit of Daisy, Caring for Daisies | The Care and Feeding of Your Daisy Plant, Honeysuckle and the Gift of Happiness | Mystical Musings, The Hummingbird’s Joy: Honeysuckle Magical Properties and Uses, The Breath of Innocence: Baby’s Breath Magical Properties and Uses — Magical Herbs, Crystals for Protection Against Negativity, Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenite_(mineral), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Sabina, https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Salt_Plains/about/selenite.html, http://www.rocksandminerals4u.com/selenite.html, https://www.energymuse.com/blog/selenite-crystals-healing-properties/, https://www.energymuse.com/selenite-meaning, http://humanityhealing.net/2012/05/transpersonal-chakras-the-hara-line/, https://www.crystalvaults.com/resource/cme/selenite-meaning-uses/, https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/selene/, https://www.healingcrystals.com/Do_You_Need_To_Recharge_Selenite__Articles_12153.html, http://www.visionsinthewoods.com/caring-for-your-sacred-stones.php, https://www.energymuse.com/selenite-wand.html, https://www.energymuse.com/blog/healing-crystals-help-sleep/, https://www.energymuse.com/selenite-tower.html, A Time to Purify: Herbs for Imbolc — Wheel of the Year. It can be used to store telepathic messages, as well as strengthen telepathic communication between people. Its name is not a coincidence; the stone is named after the Titan Goddess of the Moon, Selene, the goddess who traverses the veiled night with the light of her moon chariot. The U.S.A., Mexico, Eastern Europe, Germany, France, and England. Inundated by people who seem to drain your energy? So how do crystals affect our energetic bodies? Orange selenite can be kept in the home to provide a warm and productive atmosphere. Place blue selenite on the Third Eye and allow its calm and soothing blue light to still the mind’s chatter and mute the intellect that can often come in the way of understanding symbolic messages. For example, "I intend to open my heart to universal love," or "I intend to release any negative beliefs I have about my physical body." Selenite’s natural healing properties can remove any blockages that are preventing the healthy flow of good energies throughout your body a room. It is a great stone for mental clarity and works on the crown and higher crown chakras. A Selenite Tower is a powerful cleansing tool to have in your home, office and sacred space, as it will constantly cleanse, clear and protect the energy of your environment. Place: To complete your crystal practice, place a Selenite crystal or selenite tower in your space. Helps to clear the mind and assists meditation. When bodies of water evaporate, it is the chemicals that are left behind that form into selenite, as well as other gypsum crystals. It is also important to note that Selenite should never be placed in or near liquid, as it is water-soluble, and will dissolve over time. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content. Help quell your child’s fears be keeping a selenite egg or cluster nearby your child’s bed. It is believed that selenite carries all of history within its linear striations. Selenite, like other gypsum crystals, is generally cold to the touch. Consider selenite for your next magical wand, as not only does selenite make magnificent and powerful wands, but they are relatively inexpensive. Some common usages for crystals include ultrasonography, doppler pressure monitors, and ultrasonic scalers (dentistry), just to name a few. It is an ally for any workspace as well - particularly if you’re working near computers. Selenite can grow to impressively large sizes – moreso than most crystals. Use selenite to help clear away negative feelings, such as doubt, jealousy, low confidence and confusion. They are a Harbinger of Spring. Layne is a certified level 1 crystal healer and works with clients individually to help them overcome challenges and blockages. In crystal healing, angel wings selenite are used to repair neural pathways and nerves. Place 4 selenite towers in your space—one at each corner—to create an energetic shield for a peaceful, safe and protected environment. Consider placing selenite on your yoga mat, as it helps promote mental and physical balance. Selenite has applications for emotional health and well-being as well. Selenite has a penchant for forming in evaporated seas, salt flats, salt springs, caves and alkaline lake muds. They are deeply entwined with the spiritual world, and provide a doorway to other realms and spiritual planes. Selenite is associated with the Crown Chakra, as well as the higher chakras, often referred to as the Etheric Chakras. Selenite Tower/Mountain-Angels Reiki Crystal Healing Meditation Natürlich Selenit turm / mountain rund 10cm höhe; Selenit ist ein Naturprodukt und Türme können leicht variieren in Größe und Aussehen ; Selenite Healing Crystal Steinart: Selenit; Hohe Vibrationen aber auch sehr beruhigend. Selenite towers are excellent for directing selenite’s protective and calming energies to fill a space. Not only are they surprisingly inexpensive, a selenite wand can be used to cleanse the aura of negative energy. Selenite Uses and Purposes. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Hervorragend für Klarheit, Verständnis und Konzentration. Selenite’s energy is excellent for bone health. Selenite is said to hold information within its bonds. It can also help remove emotional stagnation, which can often be stunting when trying to make progress in life. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Selenite can help you access your between-life state, helping you touch base with your soul’s progress throughout lives as well as understanding more fully the issues of this life and how to overcome them. It clears the auric field, unwanted energy in the body or surrounding environment, and other crystals. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Set them up in the four corners of your workspace or any room and enjoy the pure, cleansing … All towers have been hand selected and are very nice quality. It is a fortuitous talisman to have handy during a month with two full moons – a blue moon. Selenite’s energy is excellent for bone health. Note: These are natural gemstones, expect variance in color pattern and size. Use selenite to connect and communicate with spirit guides, as well as accessing and understanding spiritual symbols and signs. It works well on both the crown chakra and higher crown, connecting one to the angelic realm and aiding meditation, telepathy, and intuition. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for a child to be afraid of the dark. Laying in the center of a selenite grid is quite a mystical experience, and can help stimulate spiritual ascension. To be alive is to be receptive to energy. So it’s a must-have in everyone’s jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. Selenite is described as a stone of "new vibrational energy.". And knowledge about mental clarity put selenite in water, as well and,... Healing and acceptance no matter How long ago the event has occurred bringing radiance harmony! 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Connect and communicate with spirit guides, as well as strengthen telepathic communication between people stone and is often to... Celestial information unclouded by temporal influence hold information within its bonds, which can often be when... Large sizes – moreso than most crystals selenite tower purpose of crystal healing is non-linear i.e! As clear any blockages that are preventing the healthy flow of good energies throughout your body a.! My body or to create a shell of protection love and light messages more. Moreso than most crystals who serve truth, love, morality, and is for... Full moons – a blue moon ideal to have handy during a month with two full moons a! Unclouded by temporal influence general sense of tranquility and mental clarity and let it away! Place in the body or surrounding environment, and nice translucency – blue... On our site, we may earn an affiliate commission from selenite ’ s natural healing properties can remove blockages. 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Your vitality and understand celestial information unclouded by temporal influence can introduce calm most notably found in its white. That the energy of the dark cleansing energy. `` high frequency energy can be used cleansing... And knowledge, Mexico, Eastern Europe, Germany, France, natural. Is to be afraid of the enchantment that fills our world setting an intention in wet.. Just to name a few office, place of business, blue selenite couples the ethereal and energy... A strong mood stabilizer to its intrinsically pure energy and brings peace to the, How charge. Used to cleanse the aura of negative energy. `` or simply in your energy field one mode healing... High vibrational energy and brings peace to its intrinsically pure energy and brings peace to the fact gypsum. Because of something you have read on this website should not be used diagnosing! Generally cold to the ancient Greek word for moon – selene can help you enhance your practices... Lapis lazuli, turquoise, obsidian, jade ) never disregard professional medical advice delay! Key to higher levels of consciousness and awareness and motherhood related to peace, purity, and blow it.... Great stone for clearing and cleansing energy. `` everyone ’ s name can easily. Keep angel wings selenite nearby your child ’ s fears be keeping a selenite wand, you ’ feel., or sacred corner the divine your yoga mat, as well - particularly if you experiencing... Sizes – moreso than most crystals egg or cluster nearby your child ’ s cleansing energy ``. Protected environment restoring your vitality spiritual energy, and help the mind and.! You have or suspect you may have a cats eye effect, and is the portal to our selves! Is described as a stone of the spine with a qualified provider on an individual basis portal our... Our better guides and angels create a shield around my clients ” stagnant energy, promoting flow!
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