HEPATITIS A B C D AND E SYPHILIS MALARIA HUMAN T CELL LYMPHOTROPHIC VIRUS 1 & 2 are all? Subject. Failure to do something a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances, or doing something a reasonable person would not do under ordinary cicumstances thereby causing harm to another person is called? system. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WOULD STOP A PHLEBOTOMIST FROM DRAWING BLOOD FROM A PATIENTS VEIN? Lancets are used to collect blood samples by? A phlebotomist who attempts to draw blood without sufficient training could be accused of ? B. Redirecting a needle during venipuncture is sometimes necessary when? Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide- by Quizlet It is important to check with your home state to see what licenses or certifications they require a phlebotomist to hold, as each state has different requirements. FOR ROUTINE VEINIPUNCTURES USE A _______% ALCOHOL, GLYCOLYSIS IS THE BREAKDOWN OF GLUCOSE BY BLOOD CELLS. Total Cards. The liver, stomach, mouth and pancreas are in the ? When blood seeps into the surrounding tissue during a venipuncture, a ? Cards Return to Set Details. THE BRANCH OF STUDY OF MORAL ISSUES QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS ARISING IN THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH IS CALLED ________. The forearm vein most commonly used for venipuncture is the: AFTER DRAWING BLOOD FROM A PATIENT, THE PHLEBOTOMIST SHOULD DISPOSE OF THE NEEDLE BY ___________. In order to take the NCCT Phlebotomy Test, you will either pay $90, or $135. is sometimes used in addition to alcohol in the skin cleansing process. I have created this page so you can study and review for your phlebotomy exam! In performing phlebotomy on children, it is best to? THE PROCESS BY WHICH AN OBJECT OR AREA BECOMES UNCLEANED IS KNOWN AS ______. Contact Information Ms. Flores #956-800-2774 email: eflores@vgi.edu NCCT REVIEW #1 NCCT REVIEW #2 NCCT REVIEW #3 NCCT … If you have any questions feel free and text or call me. THE COLOR OF NORMAL SERUM IS USUALLY _______. finger(s). The bladder, urethra, kidneys, and ureters are in the ? Each and every patient is entitled to ? NEGLIGENCE BY A PROFESSIONAL PERSON IS CALLED ____________. 4. When you send specimens in the mail, the label should state. ARTERIOLES, THE SMALLEST ARTERIES, SUBDIVIDE IN _______. Information given by a patient to medical personnel that cannot be disclosed without consent constitutes? THIS PRESSURE IS CALLED THE _____. C. GO IN IT, SHORT VISITS IN ISOLATION DO NOT MATTER. WHEN A GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST IS PERFORMED FAST FOR? Contaminated laundry should be ? All workers whose jobs involve participation in tasks or activities with exposure to blood or other body fluids, to which univeral precautions apply, should be vaccinated with a ? a. needs protection from others carrying infection. TOO LARGE OF A DROP , TOO LONG OF A DELAY IN MAKING SMEAR, BLOWING ON THE SLIDE OR USING A CHIPPED SLIDE. THE ROLE OF ALL ANTICOAGULANTS IS ULTIMATELY TO PREVENT FORMATION OF____________. B. We'll bring you back here when you are done. Choose from 367 different sets of ncct phlebotomy test flashcards on Quizlet. TREATING ALL SPECIMENS AS IF THEY ARE HAZARDOUS AND INFECTIOUS IS THE BASIS FOR ___________. To use a physical-chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life including highy resistant bacterial endospores is to? THE MOST PREVALENT TYPE OF NONSOCMIAL INFECTIONS ARE THOSE OF THE_________. All you would have to do is r... What is the main thing that experiences your head when you consider steroids? Possibly "conning" rings a bell. Level. NCCT Phlebotomy Exam. ANAEROBIC OR AEROBIC? Medical. Skin punctures may be indicated for use when? Review 100+ flashcards specific to the ASPT phlebotomy exam. C. IMMEDIATLEY INVERT ANY TUBES THAT CONTAIN ADDITIVES. PHLEBOTOMIST HAVE A STATISTICALLY GREATER CHANCE OF CONTRACTING ________ IN A WORK RELATED INCIDENT THAT THEY DO OF CONTRACTING AIDS. 28: 6 Path: /8343439/ma-ncct-exam-review-phlebotomy-diagnostic-testing–lab-procedures-122011-part-912-flash-cards/ 69: 6 THE FOREARM VEIN MOST COMMONLY USED FOR VENIPUNCTURES IS THE ______. system. AT WHAT ANGLE SHOULD A BLOOD SMEAR BE PUSHED FOWARD? A specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectous materials that results from the performance of an employees duties is called? vaccine. WHATS THE STANDARD DOSE FOR A GLUCOSE TEST? IN HEALTH CARE WHEN ALL EVALUATED SERVICES AND RESULTS ARE WITHIN ACCEPTABLE STANDARDS, PRINCIPALS __________ ARE BEING USED. conatiners for disposal. CHEMICALS THAT PRECENT BLOOD FROM CLOTTING ARE CALLED? NCCT - National Certified Medical Assistant Study guide Our comprehensive NCMA and NCPT exam study guides are written by our test experts, who painstakingly researched the topics and the concepts that you need to know to do your best on the NCCT Medical Assistant Examination and NCCT Phlebotomy Technician Test. Introducing Cram Folders! Use a ? a. complexity of laboratory tests performed. THE BOTTOM NUMBER OF BLOOD PRESSURE READINGS, B. THE HEALTHCARE WORKER IS PROTECT BY LAW IF IT CAN BE DETERMINED THAT HE OR SHE ACTED AS EXPECTED WHEN COMPARED WITH FELLOW WORKERS, THIS IS CALLED? Reasonable possibilty of skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's regular duties is termed? NEUTROPHILS EOSINOPHILS BASOPHILS LYMPHOCYTES AND MONOCYTES ARE TYPES OF ________. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. d. serum tubes (red) w/ or w/o clot activator or gel, f. herapin tube w/ or w/o gel plasma seperator (green). A. b. share supplies form one infant to another. Bfore entering an inpatient room if the door is closed, the phlebotomist should always? SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYEES ARE REGULATED BY ______________. Download File PDF Quizlet Phlebotomy Final Study Guide Quizlet Phlebotomy Final Study Guide Yeah, reviewing a book quizlet phlebotomy final study guide could mount up your near friends listings. Study Flashcards On NCCT PHLEBOTOMY EXAM at Cram.com. NCCT – Certified Phlebotomy Technician Practice Test As the demand for health care grows, so does the need for certified phlebotomists. must be followed exactly whenever drawing patient test samples that may be used in a legal proceeding. The aorta branches into smaller divisions called arteries, which in turn branch into even smaller divisions called? The trachea, nose, lungs and pharynx are in the ? may form. are contaminated objects that can penetrate the skin including, but not limited to needles, scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of dental wires. WHICH ORDER DO THESE ADDITIVES/ TUBES GO IN? An appropriate means of communicating with a patient who is profoundly hearing mpaired might include? Study 360 Terms | Medicine Flashcards | Quizlet Start studying NCCT Phlebotomy Study Guide. ERRORS IN BLOOD SMEARS ARE USUALLY THE RESULT OF? NCCT Official Review for National Certified Phlebotomy Technician. WHAT REQUIRES WARMTH UNTIL IT REACHES THE LAB? All of the following are expamples of "Personal Protective Equipment" except? A. A TUBE CONTAINING SODIUM CITRATE AS AN ADDITIVE IS WHICH COLOR TOPPED TUBE_________. INFECTIONS THAT CAN BE SPREAD FROM PERSON TO PERSON ARE CALLED? Hey guys first I want to apologize for being away. system. I've been supper stressed on my phlebotomy exam and also my mom got surgery. You have created 2 folders. These questions cover 6 topics of content, including: A violation of a person's right not to have his or her name, photograph, or private affairs made public without giving consent is? THE ANTICOAGULANT EDTA WORKS BY ________. The four major certification agencies and the medical assistant certifications they offer are: Ncct test login When you take the test, it will be directly through this business. If a biohazard spills in the laboratory, a phlebotomist should first try to? After they are used, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades and other sharp items, should be placed in ? A CHRONIC DISEASE IN WHICH THE PANCREAS FAILS TO SECRETE ENOUGH INSULIN IS CALLED _________. The classification the physician's office laboratory (POL) falls into will be determined by? The single most important means of preventing the spread of infection in a hospital is by? Also explore over 62 similar quizzes in this category. PATIENT FULL NAME AND PHLEBOTOMIST INITIALS. The common name for the thrombocyte is the? Law protects the health worker if it can be determined that he or she acted reasonably as compared with fellow workers; this is called? system. In other words, vaccines are made with harmful toxins, which when entered into our bodies, assemble together in the immune system to subdue it. BECAUSE BACTERIA AND OTHER MICROORGANISMS CAN BE FOUND ANYWHERE, ALL HEALTH CARE PERSONAL SHOULD MAINTAIN STERILITY WHEN HANDLING _______. NCCTNCMA Practice Test (updated 2020) Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Additional Medical Flashcards . Term. Introducing Cram Folders! The ability to see things from another person's point of view is? A micro-sample is generally collected from a 9-month old infant by _____. THE RUBBER SLEVE ( AT THE END OF THE OPPOSITE OF NEEDLE TIP) ON AN EVACUATED TUBE NEEDLE MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR USE WITH_________. NCCT provides multiple qualifying paths for certification in the following roles. and ruin the test. In these surveys, more than a thousand PTs rate the significance of various job tasks, and a committee designs the test … after venipuncture to insure blood stoppage. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING LEGALLY ENFORCES THE BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN STANDARD? The liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood sample is known as? where it was soiled. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. NCCT Phlebotomy Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet NCCT Study Guide – Customer Very detailed, explains things well and very easy to understand not so you know what answer to correctly choose on the test, but that you actually understand it. To prevent the spread of MRSA, you could use disinfectants. As part of pursuing your medical assisting certification, you will need to complete a medical assistant certification test or exam from one of the nation’s medical assistant certification agencies. WHICH IS NOT AN INFECTION CONTROL METHOD? WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS THE SINGLE MOST COMMON SOURCE OF HIV AND HBV IN THE WORKPLACE? THE COMMON NAME OF THE THROMBOCYTES IS THE ______. WHAT INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IF THE PHLEBOTOMIST MUST MANUALLY LABEL A BLOOD COLLECTION TUBE FROM AN OUTPATIENT? WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TYPES OF TOURNIQUETS USED IN THE SPECIMEN COLLECTION? ONE POSSIBLE CAUSE OF UNEXPECTED CLOTTING IN AN ANTICOAGULATED BLOOD TUBE MIGHT BE________. phase. The suffix -URIA at the end of a medical term refers what body location? A. THE QUALITY OF BEING HONEST AND HAVING STRONG MORAL PRINCIPLES. confidentiality and care, ECG, pharmacology, and phlebotomy. WHENT THE HEART IS CONTRACTING THE PRESSURE IS HIGHEST. 03/22/2013. NCCT Phlebotomy Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet Ascencia Test Prep's NCCT Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide offers you a full review of the subjects covered on the NCCT National Certified Phlebotomy Technician (NCPT) exam, test tips and strategies, real-world examples, and … Sign up here. NEVER TO USE TUBES PASSED THEIR STATED EXPIRATION DATE. THE LIQUID PORTION OF AN ANTICOAGULATED BLOOD SAMPLE IS KNOWN AS________. The National Certified Phlebotomy Technician (NCPT) examination is administered by the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT), a credentialing organization founded in 1989.The examination is periodically updated based on the results of job analysis surveys to ensure that the material tested matches the skills and knowledge phlebotomy technicians (PTs) use in the real world. Sodium citrate is an anticoagulant of choice for coagulation studies because it prevents? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. NCCT study guide Flashcards and Study Sets | Quizlet Preparation for NCCT Practice Test for Medical Assistant Certification Exam Medical Assistants play a key role in the health care industry. The treatments that are used try to regain pre-septic state, in the following way. NCCT Phlebotomy Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet Ascencia Test Prep's NCCT Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide offers you a full review of the subjects covered on the NCCT National Certified Phlebotomy Technician (NCPT) exam, test tips and strategies, real-world examples, and … A TUBE ADAPTOR THAT HAS BEEN VISIBLY CONTAMINATED WITH BLOOD SHOULD BE DISPOSED OF IM_______. WHEN ENTERING A ROOM MARKED WITH ISOLATION SIGNS _______. ? OSHA REQUIRES TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION ON BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS TO BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYEES ________. Diurnal rhythms refer to variations in the body's functions or fluids that occur during? Phlebotomy National Exam Study Guide flashcards | Quizlet Path: /phlebotomy_test_breakdown.htm. Quizlet: ... (NCCT/MMCI Phlebotomy) The National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT/MMCI) offers the National Certified Phlebotomy Technician exam, which includes 125 questions to be completed in 3 hours. The purpose of the bleeding time test is to assess? The phase of laboratory testing that refer to test orders, test collection and test sample preparation are all part of the ? -topped evacuated tube for collectin of blood for a CBC test. Adult capillary punctures most often involve use of the ? Y... Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT WAY TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF INFECTION WHILE PERFORMING PHLEBOTOMY IS BY ______________. Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes are types of? The sebaceous glands, skin hair and nails are in the ? The anticoagulat SPS (sodium polyanetholesulfonate) is recommended for use in blood cultures because it? Tests that basically pose insignificant risks to patients if errors occur in the test performance are called? In the health care field when all evaluated services and the results compare with accepted standards, principlas of ? This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. A patient who is making a fist and frowning is exhibiting ? NCCT – Certified Phlebotomy Technician Practice Test As the demand for health care grows, so does the need for certified phlebotomists. d. all of the above (getting help to hold the patient securely during the draw, using a smaller bore needle and smaller collection tubes, making sure the bedrails are left raised if found that way) Learn ncct phlebotomy test with free interactive flashcards. CONSENT TO TREATMENT BASED UON FULL UNDERSTANING OF ALL POSSIBLE RISK OF UNPREVENTABLE RESULTS OF TREATMENTS IS CALLED__________. Oh no! CPT-1 Process of Phlebotomy - NCCT Offical Review (10 cards) 2017-12-04 3 indicators and step in workflow path (8 cards) 2017-07-09 3 Inpatient/ Outpatient (6 cards) 2016-12-06 3 Which of these test samples are light sensitive? Use a ? Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Temperature: Acidity And The Physical Properties Of Chemistry. Thread from that sewing kit site should be picked up by VAD is commonly used for venipuncture is sometimes when! Following are expamples of `` Personal Protective Equipment '' except blood PRESSURE READINGS a blood sample should be enclosed?! Means of communicating with a patient with a cough may draw blood from pediatric,. Manually label a blood SMEAR be PUSHED FOWARD HONEST and HAVING STRONG MORAL PRINCIPLES regain pre-septic state, the... Virus 1 & 2 are all part of the the venipuncture site, for in! 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