She keels over dead. Trust me, its there. She sometimes wore short dresses in a variety of colors for occasions such as parties and fashionable skirts with matching tops. Later Lily releases Caroline. Caroline asks how did she become the bad guy and Klaus says that he'll tell her all about being the bad guy. With Stefan, she openly complains about the new hot Nanny, to the point of how she removes the crusts on their sandwiches. Enzo has a lead to find Damon and Bonnie and they decide to go on a roadtrip to chase it. Caroline practically begging says don't leave her alone. Look at Bill and Melinda Gates. Stefan catches on to what Caroline is saying - that Elena is sired to Damon. Stefan figured out Silas was with her. Bonnie initially refused to attend Caroline's wedding as her maid of honor because she was still heartbroken and very angry at Stefan for killing Enzo while his humanity was off. she was s e v e n t e e n, and she had a really good life. getty Power couples in business are not uncommon. Stefan first dated Caroline while attending the Homecoming Dance, while he was trying to stay away from Elena due to his intense connection to her. She apologizes to Caroline for her attitude. Elena puts down her brush and says she is going to go talk to him. The Bartender tells her that she has not heard of Klaus whereabouts for nearly 3 years. Caroline runs over to Tyler, stopping him from compelling his coach into letting them leave practice early so they can get drunk at the bonfire. He tells her he had to move on after two months of searching. Caroline is outside the door, listening their conversation. He gets her down onto the ground and holds her down, they wrestle around on the ground. The next day, Klaus dug 12 graves for the 12 witches. getty. Later, Caroline returned to the dorm room where Tyler is packing his things. Her make-up choice has changed somewhat over the seasons, in early seasons, she wore much makeup, particularly lip glosses and lots of black eye-makeup to make her blue-green eyes stand out; however in later seasons, she wears a much more natural look, with little to no make-up. "You were going to drag it out so painfully" Damon says to her throwing her own words back into her face as he looks at her almost nose to nose. Bonnie asks Silas where is Caroline's mother and his answer is that she is where Caroline has left her. Caroline is confused about how Tyler managed to do all of this so quickly. Because she doesn't trust her, she asks her not to come any closer, "I don't know if it's really you," Caroline says. As she leaves Matt in a daydream state, she ask about Tyler, Stefan says he took care of it. He hurriedly carries Caroline into her house and lays her down, all the while trying to tell Elizabeth what he thinks happened. Caroline tries to clean her but the bear's head rips off, they both start laughing, but then Caroline's smile turns into sorrow, she turns her back to Stefan, Stefan tries to calm her and he touches her face, they looks each other and she says "I'm sorry", he pulls her into a hug and she starts crying. Stefan shook his head and replies, "I don't know. Bonnie comes to Forbes house and Caroline thinks that Bonnie is Silas, but Bonnie sees Caroline's mother is Silas and opens the locked door with magic. Caroline mistook her for Elena, but Katherine corrected her. She can just barely hold it off despite her super strength. Damon rescues her and Tyler Lockwood, however, and the deal made by Katherine is forfeited. Caroline carries her cheerleading pom poms and cries inconsolably. We have not received any further records of flooding affecting the route since our previous correspondence. Elena checks the bathroom for eavesdroppers while Tyler explains himself: Rebekah gave him a blood bag. Her bloodlust takes over, however, and she attacks April. Tyler and Caroline are at the Salvatore Boarding House, with Stefan removing the wooden bullets from Tyler. Nadia interrupts and reminds Caroline that everyone knows that she isn't winning friends with her romantic choices, referring to Klaus, Tyler leaves the room upset and Caroline follows him, Caroline tells him that Nadia is just trying to get under their skin to distract them but Tyler tells her that what Matt did is easier to believe than other things that have happened, referring to her and Klaus having sex, Tyler ends the conversation and leaves the house through the front door. During the lunch, they discover that Jo is Luke and Liv's elder sister and that Kai, who was there with Damon in the other world, is actually Jo's twin brother. As Elena heads for her alleged ex-boyfriend Damon comes up behind Caroline asking what is Elena's problem. Caroline is afraid to stop it because her mother will find out about her. Her passions still building she pushes him against a tree (using normal strength) and kisses him intensely. Caroline and Klaus walk to the pond and talk about Elena and Damon. Tyler appears and asks if she's okay, apologizing, but she says she's past forgiveness. Alaric keeps Caroline hostage to lure Elena to the school. Caroline is the only character besides the main three who have appeared in the most episodes. I'll let your friend sniff them out" he says sardonically to Caroline. Damon later confronted her about the crystal, but she told him Bonnie had it. Forbes, Caroline From: Ruth Burnham
Sent: 24 March 2014 16:55 To: Forbes, Caroline Cc: Tregillis, Glenn Subject: RE: 45 Northampton - Daventry Dear Caroline, Thank you for your email. She is also preparing everything for his arrival; since she assumes he will soon join them at college. Caroline says she will force her father to feed, but Elena reminds her it isn't his choice. I've already killed you once, I can easily do it again." The truth is that Tyler and Hayley plan to help the other hybrids break their sire bonds to Klaus. She then proceeds to sit down and they talk. Then Caroline pushes to him telling him to shut up, he encourages her to try again, Caroline even more mad pushes him again telling " screw you", he says that's good in get it out. At the carnival and inside the high school, she found Damon and delivered him Katherine's message, letting him know that she was a vampire by telling him that she was remembering all of the times he made her forget things. Candice Rene King (née Accola) (born May 13, 1987) is an American actress, singer and songwriter, known for portraying the role of Caroline denies she is projecting saying. Caroline tells him that he can't give up hope for Damon. Later, Caroline reaches Ivy's location but is shocked to see the vampire hunter Tripp vervaining and capturing Ivy. She is the surrogate mother of Elizabeth Saltzman and Josette Saltzman, as they were transferred to her womb when their biological mother died and she birthed and raised them. At that time, Katherine gets a call from Stefan and decides to invite him, Caroline looks at her curiously. Caroline finally sees Stefan after four months. Matt shows up and asks about Tyler and Sofie. Klaus shows up, saying that he's there to help but Matt is angry; Elizabeth ends up inviting him in because she had no other option. He tells her Rebekah has some friends who "enjoy being fed on," and he enjoys it. Caroline and Bonnie rush to the Salvatore House to find weapons they can use against Sybil. Stefan with gallows humor explained that becoming a vampire skips over being a serial killer. so rest in peace so she can move forward. Caroline later fills Elena in on the phone about what Grams said. Powers / Skills It was really salty [laughs and sniffles] and we bickered. Later Caroline is talking with Elena and she apologizes to her, Caroline tells Elena that being with Damon has changed her and that the day that she stops telling the truth about how she thinks about Damon, that will be the day they stop being best friends. Caroline is on the verge of tears says that she want all of that, that she want her(Liz) to live for her (Caroline) and that's the true. After he was deemed alive and fine, Caroline collapsed due to internal injuries. Damon also listens to Elena and Stefan break up. She tells Elena that this emotionless version of her is not who she is. Caroline answers that she's afraid of him. When Katherine compelled Matt and Tyler to fight resulting in the death of classmate Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf curse. Everything got complicated when Klaus turned Tyler into a hybrid and also fell in love with Caroline. Caroline is infuriated to learn that Stefan has been in Savannah for almost two months, not trying to help Damon and Bonnie. Her mother ask if everything is going okay with her (meaning Caroline). He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. "I'm happy to tell her" he says. nicolesky, KlausForbes and 4 others like this. Rebekah turns up, introduces herself as the new girl, and then attacks. he begs her to take the shard of white oak out of his back but doesn't have considerably more luck than he had with Caroline(Silas). Damon tells April to wear the red dress and Caroline objects, but Elena picks the red one along with Damon. Elena says her and Damon are searching for Stefan, nothing more. She leaves, telling him she will see him in the next parent meeting, leaving him there, looking touched and upset. Given the events after the fight (Enzo turning off his humanity), Caroline tells Stefan that she will be staying with Bonnie for the night. He reaches out and cups her face in his hands, Caroline stares at him as if she's considering it for a moment , he tells her "Please.. come back. Tyler arrived, and Rebekah told them all to stay in the building and not vamp run in the hallway. Klaus says he's over their "spat" and tries to charm her into talking. She calls out for help, but no one is there. Stefan arrives, shocking everyone. Stefan arrived just in time, with Elena by his side. Power couples in business are not uncommon. Caroline makes him promise to never return and he does. As they arrive, they stop at four freshly dug graves, bewilderment on all their faces until Damon shows up, surprising them all. Blondie (by Damon and Enzo)Goldilocks, Cinderella, Love, Darling and Gorgeous (all by Enzo)Honey, Sweetheart, Sweetie (all by Elizabeth)Vampire Barbie, Judgy, Prudy Trudy, Munchie, Meryl Streep, Sexy Blonde Frenemy, Mystic Queen, Care Bear, Mama Bear, Bombshell (all by Damon)Repulsive Blood-sucking Control freak Monster (by Elena)Honey, Roomy (both by Katherine)Sweets (by Rebekah)Care (by her friends)Love and Sweetheart (both by Klaus)Sister (by Mary Louise)Pregnant Blonde (by Julian)Clarice (by Kai) Pilot (TVD)Where You Left Your Heart (TO) Tyler, Caroline & Klaus {And I Mean Nothing To You & I Don't Know Why} added by quinnbee. Elena tells Caroline that Jesse is cute, interested and most importantly, unlike Tyler, he's there. 1. They hide when two young men walk out of Tripp's vampire torture shed. Caroline is asking her to help her with her valedictorian speech as they walk towards Damon. Caroline is the first female (Damon was the first male) who had sex in the show. She picked up Caroline's pillow and smothered her to death. Tyler starts snipping at her with his fangs ejected. She is also close friends with her ex, Matt Donovan, whom she has known since childhood, and also with Niklaus Mikaelson. Caroline is willing to help, telling him that two vampires are better than one though Stefan tells her that he has to do it on his own. Bill thanks Caroline for saving him. Tyler asks if they can leave to go and eat. Caroline is angry with him for killing their only lead. Stefan characteristically refuses even though it would rush the healing process from both the bullet wounds and the injected vervain. The deputy who was hit holds her at gun point, but Caroline, using her super-speed, slams shut a cellar door. Family information Nadia goes to leave the Lockwood house, but Caroline blocks her exit way since Matt sent a message asking for her help, Matt doesn't remember anything and Caroline realizes that he is being compelled by Nadia, Nadia confirms this and Caroline uses her vampire speed out and pushes Nadia up against the wall, choking her but Nadia fights back, forcing Caroline against the wall instead, suddenly, Tyler comes into the house and pulls Nadia off from Caroline. Caroline says she is fine but Elizabeth notes that she seemed different some how. Elena ask but Caroline doesn't respond but concentrates. And, to prove as much, here are 11 of the best Caroline Forbes quotes that can perfectly sum up some of your very own real-life situations. the leader of the Mystic Falls beautification committee and the recycling program Tyler confesses his anger in letting Caroline dance with Klaus before Caroline tells him he loves her. They're talking when Stefan arrives, inviting Caroline to dance which she accepts. Later, Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him. Later, she found Tyler in the gym, lying naked in the fetal position in front of his mother's makeshift memorial. Later, Elena noticed the bruises and bite marks on Caroline for the first time and Caroline tried to brush Elena off. During her work, Damon uses his mental connection with her to compel her from a distance into freeing him from his prison. Elena then asks her to come to the pool party but Caroline tells her about her breakfast date with Enzo. Stefan Salvatore gave Caroline a key-ring snow globe of Mystic Falls, which disappointed her; she also gave Bonnie a gift. Bonnie told them that she can drop the veil between this side and Other Side and bring all supernatural creatures from dead. "Not any more" Elizabeth says disowning her daughter. Then he stabs her and she passes out. Caroline is taken aback that he knows. Later in the evening Caroline, returns to the Salvatore house a little dirty, pulls leaves out of her hair. However, Stefan already holds romantic feelings for Elena and rejects Caroline much to her annoyance. This time Elena interposed herself between Caroline and Damon's raised stake, protesting that she was her friend. It's proven true when Elena drinks from a blood bag and is able to keep it down. In the woods, Tyler is attempting to take back everything that he said that morning to Caroline. Caroline is surprised that Elena is not mad and Elena tells her she was just being a good friend. "What the hell is she doing here?" Lastly, Caroline informs Stefan that Damon and Elena are together. Caroline was also formerly good childhood friends with Bonnie McCullough and Meredith Sulez since the first grade. In a dark hallway, Tyler is trying to be romantic with Caroline but she brings up Matt, asking if he thinks he's okay. He's giving her his support before she enters the house to give her mom vampire blood and he's watching her getting into the house through the door's window and he seems concerned for her. Power couples in business are not uncommon. As she is writhing on the floor, Matt runs at Jonas, yelling at him to leave her alone and Jonas grabs a bottle and breaks it, stabbing Matt in the neck. When Elena made it clear she had feelings for Damon, Caroline expressed her disapproval, separating them. ", Caroline telling of her encounter with Katherine at the Mystic Grill. She has her "game face" on with black eyes and baring fangs. After Bonnie rescued the love of her life from Sybil, she planned to move into a house with him, but Caroline's fiancé ended up murdering Enzo. In Let Her Go, Elena tries to convince Caroline to not turn off her humanity, but Caroline snaps her neck. She is the old childhood friend turned rival-enemy of Elena Gilbert. 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